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JUNE 10 - JUNE 30

Featuring the Mildred’s Lane Library and a project wrapping around Narrowsburg’s mid-June Deep Water Literary Festival, with Aaron Hicklin of One Grand Books. A well-used library gets rummaged, and though we encourage this, each season our floor space gets smaller, now years of books growing everywhere. Our cozy fire/library needs some landscaping; those who join us rearranging, categorizing, reading, rifling the stacks now come to be known as The Bibliophants and will take on the task, directing us in the hoosh as we organize and annex a book chamber into to the Barn Lyceum Archive Room, curating an ongoing read-a-thon as we go. Among the playful reads, Pablo Helguera and Dannielle Tegeder reactivate The Alpine Rooster Collective, their parlor game consisting of creating conceptual poetry out of rediscovered books. In residence, guest readers and writers, including Pablo Helguera, Dannielle Tegeder, James Voorhies, Nina Burleigh, and other celebrated authors in town during the literary festival.